A2-NIR / M6-M10 Vida Dişi Ovalama Aparatı, M6 ile M10 arasındaki boyutlara sahip ürünlere ovalama yöntemiyle diş çekme işlemi yapmak üzere özel olarak tasarlanmıştır. Bir VABS vida dişi çekme aparatı, aynı zaman da farklı standartlarda, diş boyutlarında ve hatvelerdeki ürünlere  vida dişi çekimi yapar. Ayrıca bu aparatlar, röle değiştirilerek tırtıl ve parlatma işlemleri için de kullanılabilir.

Farklı CNC makineleri ve döner sistemlerle tam uyumlu çalışan A2-NIR / M6-M10, çelikten titanyuma, alüminyumdan paslanmaz çeliğe kadar farklı sertlik ve kimyasal özelliklere sahip ürünlere diş çekme işlemi gerçekleştirebilir.

Bu aparat, dolu ve boru tipi ürünlere ve farklı boyutlardaki parçalara ovalama yöntemi ile diş operasyonu yapabilir.

Bu özellikleriyle kısa zamanda hem malzemeye mukavemet kazandırır hem de pürüzsüz bir yüzey elde edilmesini sağlar.


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Özellik Değer Açıklama
Operation TypeBurnishing, RAA-RGE, Thread Rolling* * VABS Thread Rolling Heads are not only used for rolling but can also perform various other operations. Here are the types of operations you can perform with this tool
Product TypePipe, Solid Bar (Non-Stepped/Plain), Solid Bar (Stepped/Shouldered)* The types of products you can thread with this tool are designed to be compatible with different diameters and materials.
Thread StandardBSFS, G, MF, NPT, NPTF, UN, UNEF, UNF, UNJ, UNJF, UNS* VABS Thread Rolling Heads are not only used for rolling but can also perform various other operations. Here are the types of operations you can perform with this tool
Material TypeTool Steels, Manufacturing Steels, Case Hardening Steels, Free Cutting Steels, Titanium Alloys, Stainless Steels, Aluminum Alloys, Copper, High Temperature Resistant Materials, Nickel Alloys* The tool is suitable for threading parts made from the specified material types.
Machine RequirementTurning and Milling Centers, CNC Machine Center, Gang Tool CNC Lathes, Multi-Spindle Machines, Rovelver Lathe Machine, Transfer Line, Rotary Transfer Machines, Universal Lathe, Pillar Drill, Radial Drill* This tool is compatible with various machine types, including CNC and manual processing machines.
Lead Type1K, 2K* The feed type is determined based on the product and application requirements. The standard feed types of the tool are 1K and 2K. For special projects, 0.6K and 3K options are also available.
Number of Die3 Role* Number of rolling dies used in this thread rolling tool
Rolling Dies TypeStandart Role, VK10 Role* The type of rolling die compatible with the tool is determined based on the material type and application conditions. Standard dies are suitable for general use, while VK10 dies are designed for high durability and special alloys such as stainless steel.


A2-NIR / M6-M10 Vida Diş Ovalama Aparatı aşağıdaki tablolardaki standartlara uygun oluşturulan rolerle tam uyumlu çalışır.
Metric ISO Threads
Fine (mm)
Norm Nominal Size pitch
MF 6 – 7 0,5
MF 7 – 8 0,5
MF 6 – 7 0,75
MF 8 – 9 0,75
MF 9 – 10 0,75
MF 10 – 11 0,75
MF 11 – 12 0,75
MF 8 – 9 1
MF 9 – 10 1
MF 10 – 11 1
MF 11 – 12 1
MF 10 – 11 1,25
MF 11 – 12 1,25
MF 12 1,5
Unified Screw Thread
Coarse (inch)
Norm Nominal Size TPI
UN 3/8 -7/16 32
Unified National Threads
Coarse (inch)
Norm Nominal Size TPI
UNS 1/4 – 5/16 40
UNS 3/8 – 7/16 24
UNS 7/16 – 1/2 (1) 24
Unified Threads
Fine (inch)
Norm Nominal Size TPI
UNF 5/16 – 3/8 36
UNF 7/16 36
UNF 7/16 – 1/2 (1) 32
UNF 3/8 – 7/16 28
UNF 7/16 – 1/2 (1) 26
UNF 7/16 – 1/2 (1) 22
UNF 7/16 – 1/2 (1) 20
Unified Threads
Extra Fine (inch)
Norm Nominal Size TPI
UNEF 5/16 – 3/8 32
UNEF 7/16 – 1/2 28
Whithworth Threads
Fine  (inch)
Norm Nominal Size TPI
BSFS 1/4 – 5/16 32
BSFS 5/16 – 3/8 26
BSFS 5/16 – 3/8 32
BSFS 7/16 – 1/2 (1) 26
BSFS 7/16 – 1/2 (1) 20
National Pipe Threads
Tapered (inch)
Norm Nominal Size TPI
NPT 1/8 27
NPT 1/4 18
National Pipe Taper
Fuel Threads (inch)
Norm Nominal Size TPI
NPTF 1/8 27
NPTF 1/4 18