Maximum Productivity In Shortest Time
Radial Thread Rolling Heads
The Radial Thread Rolling Head is a tool designed for the fast and no-cut production of small-diameter screws with short processing times. Thanks to the radial motion principle, the process is completed with a single rotation of the rollers, maximizing production speed. This innovative technology eliminates material waste while ensuring consistent quality and precision. The Radial Rolling Head is an ideal solution for a wide range of applications, from automotive to general industrial use.

The Radial Thread Rolling Tool is currently in the R&D phase and is being developed by our technical team. For special requests, please contact us.
Why Choose the Radial Thread Rolling Tool?
# Long Tool Life
Low cost with minimal maintenance requirements.
Ultra-Short Processing Time
The process is completed with a single rotation of the roller.
No Cutting Operation
Prevents material waste and eliminates chip formation.
Precision and Repeatability
Provides high-quality threads.
Versatile Usage
Easily applicable in standard, automatic, and CNC machines.
How Does Radial Thread Rolling Head Work?
Radial Rolling
The rollers approach the workpiece radially.
Thread Formation
The rollers compress the workpiece to form the screw threads.
Finishing Process
The threads are completed with a single full rotation of the roller.
Technical Advantages
Extremely Short Processing Times (e.g., 0.2 seconds).
Easy Production of Small-Diameter Threads.
Ability to Operate at High Speeds.